Traveling Back to Jurassic Days in a Twitter Age?

That’s precisely what you would be doing by ignoring social media signals that are so important for your SEO ranking in 2013. Gone are the days when search engine optimization (SEO) entailed effective keyword research, relevant backlinks and meaningful content. Social media today has taken the hot seat while introducing an element of power that could make you a viral luminary or bury you deep under a band of creative competitors who know the importance of ushering in their friends and followers in an effective way. Got it, folks; there is no other alternative!

Social Media has an Overwhelming effect on SEO

Make no mistake; Social Media already has an overpowering influence on the success of businesses now as well as in not too distant future. And remember, if you want to be popular you need to be sharable too. As for your SEO content, it has to be more than just being useful. It needs to engage your audience so arrestingly as to make them want to share with their peers (and followers). Studies reveal that social media sharing among the leviathans such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and currently Pinterest tell a lot about a site’s ranking in Google.

Organize your own Social Strategy

Do it methodically; if you want to promote your brand’s social media presence effectively, by using your gray cells. Haphazard, incoherent tweets and irrelevant Facebook posts would adversely affect your brand’s public image. Get hold of a sensible team of dedicated people to form an unvarying message that can spread evenly among most social media channels. Do keywords research, if necessary, to coin the message in a suitable form. Above all, brainstorm to find a comprehensible meaning behind your brand while providing your audience with a solid reason to follow you. Inspire them; motivate them to become a part of something adorable – something special. This will give you the winning edge.